• Institut Henri Poincaré, 11 Rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 Paris, France

With the Support and the collaboration of:

Objectives of ICCAIRO 2025

The objectives of ICCAIRO 2025 are to present and discuss state of the art, theory, mathematical models, computational techniques for solving modern problems on Control, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Intelligence and Optimization. The conference goal is to make step forward in the formulation and solution of modern problems in these areas and discuss their applications in the real life

What criteria will be used by ICCAIRO reviewers to evaluate submissions

Scope: Is the article appropriate for the Proceedings of ICCAIRO?
Novelty: Is this original material distinct from previous publications?
Validity: Is the study well designed and executed?
Data: Are the data reported, analyzed, and interpreted correctly?
Clarity: Are the ideas expressed clearly, concisely, and logically?
Compliance: Are all ethical and journal requirements met?
Advancement: Is this a significant contribution to the field?

Organizing Committee

Prof. Imre Rudas

(IEEE Fellow)
(Program Co-Chair)

Obuda University, Budapest, Hungary

Email: rudas@uni-obuda.hu

Prof. Pierre Borne

IEEE France Section Chair, IEEE Fellow
(Program Co-Chair)

IEEE/SMC Past President, Ecole Centrale de Lille, France

Email: p.borne@ec-lille.fr

Prof. Yuriy S. Shmaliy

(IEEE Fellow)
(Invited Session Chair)

Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico

Email: shmaliy@ugto.mx

Prof. George Vachtsevanos

(Tutorial and Workshop Chair)

Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Email: gjv@ece.gatech.edu

Prof. Nikos E. Mastorakis

(Publications Chair)

Hellenic Naval Academy, Piraeus, Greece & Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria

Email: mastor@hna.gr, mastorakis@outlook.com

Prof. Tadeusz Kaczorek

IEEE Fellow
(Web & Publicity Chair)

Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

Email: kaczorek@ee.pw.edu.pl

Prof. Daniel Kammen

(Honorary Chair)

University of California, Berkeley, USA

Email: kammen@berkeley.edu

Prof. David A. Johnson

(Honorary Chair)

University of Waterloo, Canada

Email: da3johns@uwaterloo.ca

Prof. D. Subbaram Naidu

IEEE Fellow
(Honorary Chair)

Idaho State University, USA

Email: naiduds@isu.edu

Prof. Gianluca Mazzini

IEEE Fellow
(Honorary Chair)

Universita Degli Studi di Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy

Email: gianluca.mazzini@unife.it

Prof. Mikhael Wasfy

IEEE Fellow

University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, USA

Email: wasfy.mikhael@ucf.edu

Prof. Ronald R. Yager

IEEE Fellow

Iona College, New Rochelle, NY, USA

Email: ryager@iona.edu

Prof. Bimal Kumar Bose

Life Fellow IEEE

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA

Email: bbose@utk.edu

Prof. Narsingh Deo

IEEE Fellow, ACM Fellow

University of Central Florida, USA

Email: deo@cs.ucf.edu

Indexes of our Proceedings and Journals


(Note: The fees are subject to change without notice, but the changes do not affect those who have already paid)